Wednesday 23 February 2011


I might as well tell you now but I got rejected  from interview 1. I was sort of expecting it and prepared myself (talked with tutor) for the bad news but it still does knock your confidence down. The reason I was given was my portfolio was unsuitable..... ho hum!
So how did yesterday (23/02/2011) go?! I was sat in the graphics studio waiting and got called in into a room. I was greeted by two tutors (smiley-happy-shook-your-hands) and was told it'd be an informal interview and that we'd go through my portfolio and whilst they looked through my sketch books I'd be able to ask them questions. I tried my best to be confident and not get nervous and tongue tied (often happens and I did). I told them about my work in collation to the briefs and I *think* I answered their questions reasonably well (why graphic design yada). 
I REALLY hope I get an offer because the course/place is amazing and they support my love for crafting *HI5*!!
Anyway, I should hear back in 3 weeks but here's the bad news. They apparently got 500 applications, are interviewing 200...... and have 55 places.
Wish me luck x x x

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